Today pink flamingos in Camargue. Flamands roses à Camargue.
I was to talk about the common trees in Provence this autumn but of course I have forgotten to do it last month. So, today two for the price of one: above a very common tree in Camargue, the Tamarix or tamarisk or salt cedar. It is a small, bushy tree that thrives in the salty conditions of Camargue.
And below the strawberry tree, Arbutus unedoor or l'arbusier in french. It gets it's name from these strawberry-like berries that appear in late autumn.
Deux arbres communs en Provence, le tamaris à l'aise dans les conditions salées de Camargue et l'arbousier avec ces jolies baies similaires aux fraises, d'où son nom en anglais, l'arbre aux fraises.
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