mardi 7 juillet 2009


Still glued to my sofa. I am looking at the Tour de France at tv and going through old photos.
Toujours clouée sur mon canapé. Je regarde le Tour à la télé et je regarde mes vieux photos.
This is a photo from tv, yesterday the Tour was in Arles. It's nice to see the landscape one knows so well in tv and from up high since the tv puts a lot of resources like two helicopters in covering the Tour.
Cette photo vient de la télé. Le Tour était hier à Arles.
Next photo is from Nyons. This beautiful little olive grove is just next to the old town center.
La photo suivante de Nyons, une oliverai juste à côté de la vieille ville.
Soon it will replaced by ... this:
Bientôt à la place il y aura ceci:
I know towns grow and everybody needs to get a roof over their heads. But I would like to see cities take bigger care of leaving more green spaces in towns, specially in old town centers which are cruelly lacking in greenery.
Je sais que les villes grandissent et tout le monde doit s'abriter. Mais j'aimerais qu'on cherche plus à maintenir des espaces verts dans les villes, surtout les vieilles villes qui en manquent cruellement.

2 commentaires:

vicki archer a dit…

I agree with you - I can't imagine this beautiful landscape filled with these apartments, but sadly it is happening everywhere. xv

Airelle a dit…

yes - and yet the town administrations can have their say. i'm afraid the french do not yet value the green spaces as they should but i think the mentalities are little by little changing.