vendredi 22 mai 2009


source: google
The European Commission has once again had one of those crazy ideas it is well known for. It has proposed to authorise accepting the blending of red and white wine to produce rosé. A cry of outrage has been sounded in France against this initiative, to be ratified (or not) in mid June. The rosé producers and the French government are lobbying heavily against such a horrid measure.
The French argue that making rosé is a whole technique on its own and the blending result will never be anywhere near the real thing. It is regarded as pure deceaving of clients. The French of course are afraid for their strategic place in wine producing. Indeed, France is the foremost producer of the rosé wine in the world. And more than 80 % of all French rosé wines come from Provence region. Up to three quarters of the wine produced in Provence is rosé. The Var is specially reputed for its rosé wines but there are some good wine coming from every part of Provence and the neighbouring Languedoc-Roussillon.
Rosé is also growing fast in French exports and doing well compared to other wines. Specially appreciated in summer it has become lately more a cult wine and less the cheap summer beveridge it used to be regarded. It is best chilled which suites the summer and goes with everything.

Personally I love rosé. I know the wine connoisseurs still regard rosé less sophisticated than the red or white but I like the light flavour and prefer it the whole year round. I know I haven't, during these 25 years passed in France, really acquired a wine culture. I am happy to drink, with moderation, what gives me pleasure. Like my food, my wine usually comes from my neighbourhood. I like the idea of locally produced food and drink. I hate those apples coming from Chile, pears from Brazil, strawberries from South Africa or what not. And though I am sure the antipodean wine is as good as any I prefer the one growing in my back yard. The only thing coming from the antipodes I appreciate are the rugby players - or what, ladies?
Vous, les lecteurs français connaissez sûrement déjà tous la dernière idée bizarre de la Commission Européenne: laisser appeler un melange de vin rouge et de vin blanc "rosé", comme si le rosé était un vulgaire mélange. Le rosé connaît un renouveau dans le monde et la France étant le pays leader sur ce marché il est évident qu'elle ne veut pas entendre parlé d'une telle déception des clients sur cette marchandise-phare.
Personellement je préfère de loin le rosé aux autres vins. Je sais que je manque de sophistication en vous l'avouant mais je reconnais gaiement manquer de la culture du vin - même après ces 25 années passées en France. Ainsi je bois le rosé tout au long de l'année et avec tout. De même je préfère de loin ceux de notre région. En effet, je ne comprend pas toutes ces pommes venant de Chili, poires du Brésil ou fraises d'Afrique du Sud. Je veux manger les produits du terroir et de même je préfère le vin qui pousse dans la proximité. La seule chose que j'apprecie venant des antipodes sont les joueurs de rugby, n'est-ce pas, les amies?

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