A word in vogue at the moment in France - because of a new tv reality show. But no, I'm won't be talking about the tv show: I'm really not into the reality tv and not even that much into tv. Give me a book any day (or internet). My dilemma for some time has been this blog. What to do with it? I find I haven't got enought time to keep up with both blogs of mine. So I have been reflecting on the fate of this one.
Not working this summer, for various reasons, I have more time to think about it and to do something about it, too. I think I need to streamline this blog and instead of trying to translate all of my Finnish blog I'll concentrate on photos with just a little commentary. This means that a lot of my texts on life in France in general and in Provence particularly won't feature here. As won't appear all the texts on plants and other topics of interest to me.
I'll be putting links to my other blogs on the right side bar where you can see the nex topics as they appear on other blogs. I know most of you won't understand the texts in Finnish but you might like to see the photos none the less. By the way, I find that is the transmission of photos on the blogger that takes the largest part of the time of publishing the messages. If I need to choose between putting up images or translating texts I think the photos might be more interesting than my blah blah.
So, from hereafter, it will be more like "postcards from France" over here. And I prove my point at once, starting a series of Postcards from Paris where I am to see my daughter this weekend. And by the way, if you have an idea about where my beautiful daughter, a student of fashion and fluent in three languages, French, English and Finnish could find work for two months this summer, don't hesitate to tip me in the commentaries!
Un mot en vogue en ce moment en France, le dilemme. Mais rassurez-vous, je ne vous parlerai pas de la télé-réalité. Pour moi, c'est ce blog le dilemme depuis un certain temps. Je n'ai pas assez de temps pour écrire mes deux blogs, en finnois et celui-ci, le bilingue. Traduire tout ce que j'écris en trois langue s'est revelé impossible.
Donc, après réflexion je vais simplifier ce blog et ne traiterai plus de beaucoup de sujets apparaissant sur mon blog en finnois. Je mettrai un lien dans la barre à droite pour signaler les nouveautés dans l'autre blog - car même je sais que la majorité d'entre vous ne comprendra pas le texte, peut-être que quelques photos vous intéresseront. En ce qui concerne ce blog-ci, je vais me concentrer ici plus sur les photos refletant la vie en France. Dans un style "cartes postales de la France". Et je commence de suite avec quelques cartes postales de Paris où je suis pour quelques jours voir ma fille.
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